My sweet and darling Melinda Lou,
I sat watching the sun rise over Mount Timpanogas this morning. The beauty of it was breath taking. The golden beams of light shown across the valley, each one highlighting objects with its light. White clouds turned to gold. the white peaks of the mountains were brilliant and bright with a blinding light. Even the windshields of the vehicles on the road reflected the glory and beauty of it. But, in the middle of such beauty all I could really see is you, your beauty. Your sweet nature, your flowing golden hair, your bright green eyes, and your darling smile. You, my heart, did something that very few have ever done in a life time, in a millennia, or even history. You my Melinda surpassed the beauty of nature.
I say this with all the love I have. You are my HEART. You are my BREATH. You are my LIFE.
Now isn't that just the sweetest thing! Signing off as the luckiest girl in the world
That is soooo sweet. He is an amazing writer, and consider yourself very lucky normally you only get those kind of letters before you are married. Oh wait you are still in the "honeymoon phase" I hope it never stops. Oh and too funny about your mixed up morning. Have a good one Your blog it coming together, oh now you need to add music!
Wow! I think he deserves the reward. You got a good one Linda Mel.
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